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Erie County Single Point in Time Count

The Point in Time Count is the annual census of lived experienced persons. Each CoC across the United States participates in this annual even, held within the last ten days of January.  Communities are required to conduct a census of Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing and Unsheltered populations.  Some CoC's (such as ours) expand this count by looking at other housing offerings, such as Permanent Supportive and Rapid Rehousing.  Click on the links below to read the report from each year.

Community Dashboard Performance

HUD requires communities to report on various data points and performance indicators annually.  Continual monitoring of these data elements are used in decision making and planning efforts to better serve the lived experience population.  Data found in these reports are compiled by Erie County Department of Human Services using HMIS data input from the providers.  Click on the image to the right to be directed to the community performance data page.  

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Community Analysis

For a quick snap-shot of the Community Dashboard Performance figures, visit the Quick Community Analysis Dashboard for highlights

Racial Disparity Analysis

Erie County is in the early stages of examing data to address disproportionate representation of racial minorities within the local homeless population.  Ongoing dialogue can help our community address sources of this issue.  Click on the image for a brief comparision of Erie County and Pennsylvania's overall and homeless populations. 

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